Hi guys,
Is it possible to modify the look of the email newsletter? For example, I don’t like how large the publication icon is on the top of the email. I want the article title to be right at the top. Is there any way to customize that?
Hi guys,
Is it possible to modify the look of the email newsletter? For example, I don’t like how large the publication icon is on the top of the email. I want the article title to be right at the top. Is there any way to customize that?
Best I can tell, there isnt a current way to modify the email newsletter’s appearence. I would love to do the same thing. Hope its a new feature added to the beta.
Hmm ok thanks! That’s the only part that’s stopping me from using Ghost
Oh my god. I’m an idiot. I just upgraded to Ghost 3 and there’s an email format edit feature. You guys rock!!
FYI @Andrewkfb. Email formatting is available! To a small degree ofcourse.