I wonder if someone have Webmention implemented on Ghost. You can see it in action scrolling down here:
And check the JS client to enable and use the service:
That enables replies on comments directly mentioning the URL of our articles from social media and could be a major break in our engagement and organic traffic as well.
I’ll try to implement by myself but I suspect I’ll need some help so maybe you have interest on it
I set up Brid.gy over the weekend to start capturing webmentions from Mastodon, and it would be great to impliment them into the Ghost post in leu of comments. However, I’m not sure where these webmentions are being stored or what I can do with them at this point.
As @satonotdead said, I think I’m missing something here. So, is Ghost’s implimentation of webmentions only for the new recomendations feature or can it also be used to capture likes, reposts, etc. on social feeds using a tool like Brid.gy?
Yeah, it seems like the incoming webmentions aren’t really “usable” so far, given that there is no way of accessing them from the frontend.
The mentions should be captured though, as far as I understand the implementations. There should be notifications about mentions in the admin panel, though since I haven’t had tested it myself, I can’t tell you how they look exactly.
Bringing this back up. While Ghost’s webmention implimentation leaves a lot to be desired, it is capturing the webmentions. Does anyone know where those are being stored? I’ve played with the file system but can’t find anything and I don’t know enough about SQL to go looking there.
I ask because I tried setting up webmentions.io, yet the Ghost implimentation supersedes it. So, I’m trying to figure out what Ghost is doing with the information it receives and if it’s possible to do anything with it, like, I don’t know, use it for comments/likes on posts.
Hi there! Did you figured it out? I can contribute hiring a dev for specific tasks but my knowledge is not capable at this time for understand what we really need to do
By the way, it’s not cool how they used webmentions and fixed them on their own branded solution.
For those who really value the freedom on information that’s a bug sold as feature.
No, I’ve not figured out where that information is being stored. It seems like we’re only halfway to a workable option. Mabye it’s something coming with Ghost 6.0?
Sorry to bump an old thread, but in case anyone else happens across like I did via Google, the endpoint Ghost inserts for webmentions does work and it does store (apparently) all webmentions in the mentions table of the database. However, there doesn’t appear to be a way to get them out.
As for Ghost’s endpoint superseding something like webmentions.io, that is true if you use something like Code Injection to add your webmentions.io<link> tag. But that’s only because webmentions endpoint discovery finds it first because it’s output by {{ghost_head}} and Code Injection comes after{{ghost_head}}. If you have access to your theme files, you can move the webmentions.io<link> tag above{{ghost_head}} and it should work as expected.