Ghost faild to upgrade

Ghost field to upgrade, so i tried to force the upgrade, unfortunately i got this error!! any help…?
this is the error…

Debug Information:
OS: Ubuntu, v22.04.2 LTS
Node Version: v18.16.0
Ghost Version: 5.45.0
Ghost-CLI Version: 1.24.0
Environment: production
Command: ‘ghost update 5.45.0 --force’
Message: Ghost was able to start, but errored during boot with: alter table post_revisions add feature_image_caption varchar(65535) null, algorithm=copy - Column length too big for column ‘feature_image_caption’ (max = 16383); use BLOB or TEXT instead
Help: Error occurred while executing the following migration: 2023-04-21-13-01-add-feature-image-meta-to-post-revisions.js
Suggestion: journalctl -u ghost_mrsoso-com -n 50
Stack: Error: Ghost was able to start, but errored during boot with: alter table post_revisions add feature_image_caption varchar(65535) null, algorithm=copy - Column length too big for column ‘feature_image_caption’ (max = 16383); use BLOB or TEXT instead
at Server. (/usr/lib/node_modules/ghost-cli/lib/utils/port-polling.js:73:28)
at Object.onceWrapper (node:events:627:28)
at Server.emit (node:events:513:28)
at emitCloseNT (node:net:2135:8)
at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:81:21)

when i ty to upgrade i see this

  • sudo systemctl is-active ghost_mrsoso-com
    :heavy_check_mark: Checking system Node.js version - found v18.16.0
    :heavy_check_mark: Ensuring user is not logged in as ghost user
    :heavy_check_mark: Checking if logged in user is directory owner
    :heavy_check_mark: Checking current folder permissions
    :heavy_check_mark: Checking folder permissions
    :heavy_check_mark: Checking file permissions
    :heavy_check_mark: Checking content folder ownership
    :heavy_check_mark: Checking memory availability
    :heavy_check_mark: Checking free space
    :heavy_check_mark: Checking for available migrations
    :heavy_check_mark: Checking for latest Ghost version
    All up to date!

My current version is 5.44.0 and im trying to upgrade to 5.45.0

by running this cmd: ghost check-update. i see:

Current version: 5.44.0
Latest version: 5.44.0
You’re up to date!

I’ve moved your posts to #help since this isn’t a bug.

To check for an update use…

ghost check-update

…and the current response is…

Love open source? We’re hiring JavaScript Engineers to work on Ghost full-time.

Current version: 5.43.0
Latest version: 5.44.0
Minor update available!

There is no 5.45 release!

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but on GitHub the latest version is 5.45.0 not 5.44.0 !!
so if ur getting 5.44.0 that means my setup is fine, nothing is wrong and its a bug in ghost as it should return 5.45.0 instead of 5.44.0

any update?? … as this is clearly a bug…
npm and github say that there is a 5.45.0

I’m a Ghost user, just like you. My guess is that updates are first released to Ghost(Pro) before general release. However, this is a minor release, so I don’t see the urgency. Moreover, it was only released three days ago.

The Ghost dashboard will inform you when the update is available, or simply check with ghost check-update.

Even though the release was published to GitHub, it was not published to NPM due to test failures (which is a good thing).


yea i noticed, and i had to rebuild the current version…!
thx for confirmation brother :)

i just thought that something is wrong with my setup that’s all :)

v5.45.1 was released a few mins ago, try updating again :slight_smile:


problem solved, thx :)

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