Ghost-Mailchimp integration

Dear All,

several years ago, when Ghost was not offering newsletter support, I have build this website The website is quite simple: every time a post is published it is turned into an email, and sent.

Back then, I have used MailChimp to this effect. I am now in the following situation:

  • I have no longer access to MailChimp: the email I used to log in with Mailchimp is defunct, and I have been trying various ways to recover it. It’s not working for now
  • The basic mechanism still works: every time we update the website we send emails uncontrollably via Mailchimp.

I wonder if any of you would have an idea about how to prevent MailChimp from sending emails whenever a post is published, without accessing MailChimp: I am reasonably certain I had to setup MailChimp to integrate with Ghost, but there is no trace of that in the current Ghost interface. I have done something on the MailChimp website, but it feels awkward that I can not terminate this also from Ghost.

Any idea or suggestions for where to look, and what to do?

I’m guessing you have a webhook in ghost that triggers the behavior. Check in integrations - look in the custom tab for any integrations with webhooks.

Thank you @Cathy_Sarisky for your comment. I had tried to look there, but it says I have no custom integration. I have done this about 6-7 years ago, when the interface was really different.

I have an idea, based on own mistakes…

Do you have subscribers in Ghost? So, when you publish a post, the post is also sent to your members?

Do you possibly have a Mailchimp Mailing List e-mail alias among your Ghost members?

MailGun has a interesting “feature” where you can assign users to a mailing-list alias. If you add 100 e-mail addresses to a list in MailGun, you can give it an alias, ex If you send an e-mail to using MailGun - it will be forwarded to the 100 e-mail addresses on the list. Unexpected. Not great. And seriously embarrassing.

Here’s MailGun

So… maybe you have a list set up on MailChimp with an alias? And when you publish - an e-mail is sent to Mailchimp, which will trigger the alias, and forward your e-mail to everyone on the list?

Since you don’t have any hooks this is the only option I can think of.

Update: MailChimp has automations. Another option is that you have an automation “forward to e-mail list if sender is” active in MailChimp…

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