Ghost on Azure Deployment


I would like to deploy Ghost version 2.1.0 on Azure.
What are the steps to do in order to use sqlite3 as a database?
How to configure the url to be your domain name?
Which the best version on nodejs that the most compatible with 2.1.0?

Best Regards,

i would recommend using a recent version of nodejs. I myself have just upgraded to Ghost 2.1.0 and seems to be working with node version 8.11.2.

For the configuration, I used a file config.production.json at the root of my ghost install directory. The url object is where I had set the domain name URL. If you haven’t, you may want to take a look at with the configuration options. SQLite is used by default.

I am afraid that it does not work. The code source is on GitHub GitHub - MaherJendoubi/Ghost: The platform for professional publishers
Node version 8.11.2 is not yet supported by Azure Web App. I used 8.9.4 version.
In the output of App Service Editor, I get the following error:

[2018-09-04 19:54:37] ERROR

NAME: InternalServerError
MESSAGE: (EADDRINUSE) Cannot start Ghost.


Port 2368 is already in use by another program.
Is another Ghost instance already running?
InternalServerError: (EADDRINUSE) Cannot start Ghost.
at new GhostError (D:\home\site\wwwroot\core\server\lib\common\errors.js:9:26)
at Server. (D:\home\site\wwwroot\core\server\ghost-server.js:79:30)
at emitOne (events.js:116:13)
at Server.emit (events.js:211:7)
at emitErrorNT (net.js:1371:8)
at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:138:11)
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:180:9)

It sounds like there is another instance of ghost-server or something else already running on port 2368. You could try deleting and recreating the resource group per the Azure Web App documentation at Quickstart: Create a Node.js web app - Azure App Service | Microsoft Learn

Though, I should clarify my earlier post in that my own ghost site that I just updated is not on Azure itself. In theory, it should be possible to run ghost blog in a Windows system (in Azure or Windows Server), though I don’t think it is a use-case that has been explored much.

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