HELP! I can't login Ghost Admin

Hi guys!

I’ve just set up my Ghost blog, everything was OK till I change my email address and password on Ghost Admin. After that, I cannot log in with that new email address. The error is an “unknown error” on screen and “POST http://localhost:2368/ghost/api/canary/admin/session” in the console panel.

I even tried the button “Forgot password” but I got a message “Failed to send email. Reason: Can’t send mail - all recipients were rejected.”

Anyone please help me with this error, thanks in advance!!!


Clear browser cache

$ cd /var/www/ghost
$ ghost restart
$ sudo service nginx restart

Good luck.

Thank you, I tried but it did not work.

Anyone please help me. I’m a newbie :frowning: :cry:

Did you set up your email (that is, did your Ghost instance have the ability to send transactional mail) before you changed your admin information?

Also, how did you set up Ghost? Can you include any log output?