Help me fix erros that google search console showed while testing my pages

I started a new blog using ghost cms and I self-hosted it on fast comet servers. I submitted my page links to the google search console for indexing and the test results showed the below errors. Also, the articles on my blog don’t load completely. We can still see the loading status below near the comment section. I am using the Casper theme. Please help me resolve these issues in the screenshot. my blog link:
Thank you.

Mixed content means your sites’s web server is serving http and https content. A possible cause is a misconfigured config.production.json file.

You can amend this by typing ghost config url followed by ghost restart.

Thank you for the quick response. I did as you said. It worked. However, new errors appeared.

please help me fix these errors.

This error also appeared. Please help me fix all these errors.

These aren’t errors. This is just Google letting you know that these resources aren’t being indexed. It’s expected and nothing to worry about.

It’s difficult to diagnose this. Which page is this happening on? When I visit your site, I don’t see any errors in the console, so it’s likely nothing to worry about.

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Google search console showed those errors after testing a live URL. My URL didn’t get indexed. Google says that the page can be indexed. But it doesn’t index. The URL that I am trying to index is this:
I am getting an error after testing the above link as shown in the above screenshot.

Google has indexed your site.

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Thank you for the assistance.

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