Hiring someone to migrate from Wordpress to Ghost

At this point I have spent many hours attempting to migrate many years of posts from WordPress to a self-hosted Ghost instance and I have failed. I would consider myself fairly technical, but this has me stumped and exceptionally frustrated. Before I give up on Ghost altogether and figure something else out, I’d like to talk to someone about hiring them to help me do this. I’m confident that once I get the migration done, I can handle the rest.

Who should I speak to?

The first person that comes to my mind for a complex migration is @Cathy_Sarisky:


Aww thanks for the shout out @jannis

@bradbarrish , I’m happy to discuss if you’d like to send me a PM, but I’m booked solid for March and April for everything but retainer clients.

My best advice if you haven’t already done so would be to talk to the Ghost Pro concierge team. They do some migrations at no cost when you pay for annual hosting,

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I am very interested, I want to convert your WordPress Website to ghost theme.

Hi Brad,
If you are still on the lookout to hire someone, I would be glad to help you out as I am an experienced Ghost developer.
You can reach out to me on my email here