How can I allow editing of text/images via Admin UI for a custom designed page?

I don’t think you are missing anything. The closest I can’t think of would be having the content team edit pages, but Ghost has an odd lack of ability to allow anyone but admins to edit pages-- others can only edit posts.

That was discussed more here: Problems with Staff Priviledges

As the issue has been raised and there has been no indication that it’s being implemented by the team, it seems you should look elsewhere for your marketing site for now.

Sometimes there’s a response given to “just submit a PR”, but most of my mine have been rejected and the one that was accepted recently took six weeks to get merged for a simple issue that there was no disagreement or refinement about. Also, there’s been no response that the ability to edit pages by non-admins is welcome.

There’s an issue about it this been waiting two months for initial triage. staff can create pages, but not save them · Issue #16876 · TryGhost/Ghost · GitHub