How to implement Cateogory, Subcategory and tags hierarchy in Blog Posts in ghost?

This question might have asked here before so my apologies but I couldn’t get a satisfactory answer.

I have run a blog on word press for a few years and currently moving to ghost, we used to have a category, subcategory and tags there which made things quite easy to organise the blog posts.

For example -

Post: “How to convert string to integer in Python”
This I would like to put in -

Category - Programming
Subcategory - Python
Tags - tutorial(just like this, it could be news also)

In the editor, I couldn’t find any place to mention category or subcategory, however, I did see tags which are equivalent to categories from word press. I also read some other questions here on the forum and someone replied that we can leverage dynamic routes. But I cant think how to manage category, subcategory and tags using dynamic routes.

If someone can point the correct direction to me, I would really appreciate that.

Tldr: How to implement categories, subcategories and tags.

Ghost only has tags. Just tags.

Some options discussed here:

In particular - consider putting your category as the primary tag (first tag), which lets you automatically put it into the URL. So you can get to /programming/your-post-name easily.

Getting more complex urls like /programming/python/your-post-name is not as easy.

A couple options:

  1. Make your primary tag actually be “Programming > Python” with the slug “programming-python”, so your URLs are /{programming-python}/{your-post-name}. That’s automatic and super easy.

  2. Create a separate route for each category, filtered by that tag (i.e. Programming). Write a routes.yaml file that puts each category into the URL. Make the subcategory the primary tag, and the category later in the list of tags. That lets you get:
    But if you also have recipes, you’ll have to add an entry for that, too.
    … but at least it’s only one routes.yaml entry per category, so hopefully not too many or too frequent changes.

  3. Manually route every single post. That lets you do things like include every single tag, but it’s going to be a pain in the butt. I don’t think this is worthwhile.
    You can write a line in the routes file to serve up /programming/python/version-3.2/somethingelse/yourpostname, but you’ll also need one for /programming/python/version-3.2/somethingelse/yourotherpost and /programming/python/version-3.2/somethingelse/yourthirdpost … ugh! I wouldn’t do this.

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Thanks for such detailed explanation, cathy.