I’m trying to add several elements to an existing post. In the original version, it was one Markdown section. I added a Header section after it, which updated successfully. Then I did more work, and am now consistently getting a “Validation error, cannot edit post. Invalid mobiledoc structure.” when attempting to update after having done the following:
- Broke out the Markdown into several separate Markdown sections
- Between each of the Markdown sections, added a Header section and a Divider section
- Added a Callout section at the top, which included soft linebreaks (a table of contents)
What is could be causing the error? I suspected the soft linebreaks might be unexpected content, but deleting that section still did not result in a successful update attempt. Not sure what else would be problematic. I wish the error message were more helpful, such as pointing to a line number or at least narrow it down to a section.