How to send email only to paid members of a specific label (label shared by free members too)?

Hello! I have 14 different categories of posts on my page, and some of the content is available only to free, and everything is available to the paid members.

As of now, if I want to send for example a post in the “Personal growth” category, and choose that it sends to Paid members + Specific people: Personal growth; it will be sent to Paid members + Free&Paid members who subscribe to Personal growth category.

Is there a way to send it only to Paid members who subscribed to Personal growth?


Try this with label. When you publish - it gives you an option to send email to specific segment.

yep yep I did, but this is the case:

Member A on a free tier has subscribed to category Personal Growth, label: Personal Growth
Member B on a paid tier has subscribed to category Personal Growth, label: Personal Growth

If I choose “Personal Growth” as a specific segment, it’s going to send to both free & paid members, but for certain posts I need to send it only to paid.

I guess I’ll need to have 2 different labels, ie Personal Growth-free and Personal Growth-paid