Just started with Ghost today and found my first hickup. I’m trying to embed a map but it’s very very small…
Is there a way to make the map bigger, full width, like you can with full image size?
Link right now and my headache: http://altr.cloud/altrmap/
February 3, 2021, 4:17am
Great question. Fellow Ghost newbie here. I’m also curious about this.
February 4, 2021, 8:18pm
Following! I have same problem with embed.
Got help from the thememaker:
<figure class="kg-card kg-image-card kg-width-wide embed">
Your MAPOTIC embed code
@media (min-width:768px) and (max-width:1023px) {
.kg-image-card.kg-width-wide.embed div {
width: 110%;
margin-left: -5%;
@media (min-width:1024px) and (max-width:1299px) {
.kg-image-card.kg-width-wide.embed div {
width: calc(1000px - 85px - 85px);
This file has been truncated. show original
It worked as far as possible with the theme
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I am also brand new to Ghost and am having the same problem. I have created a “Contact” page, but the map width seems to be limited by the Page width. How do I overcome this? I am using the Ease theme.
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I am also looking same problem
What I have found is that there is a button above the image insert.
This works for making the image full width. The image obviously has be be big enough. I am still battling to get a map to be full width.
Not a lot of answers aren’t available for this question?