I need help with email analytics for my newsletters?

Thanks, but no technical issues… just discussing the lack of meaning email analytics within Ghost. Are there plans to add/improve?

You don’t have access to Mailgun because, with Ghost (Pro), the connection between your site and Mailgun is taken care. So, it’s less work on your part, which is a good reason for using Ghost(Pro).

But I was saying that in the Mailgun dashboard, it says they can track open rates and clicks. And this means that importing that data into the Ghost dashboard should be possible because Mailgun has that information.

As a disclaimer, I’m not a developer

I’ve set up a temporary solution using Bitly. I shorten all the links in my email with Bitly and use those links in the email. This allows me to see which links have been clicked and how many times. From there I can do some simple math to get a click rate. It’s not perfect — it will also track post clicks — and requires extra work, so I don’t see this being sustainable. But for now, I guess it will just have to do. Hope that Ghost implements some simple email stats.

This is now possible natively in Ghost