Images are broken on AMP

Seems to be the same issue as AMP images in content seem to be broken - #7 by schliflo, I’ve traced it back to the amperize library, which seems to be returning <img> tags that later get stripped by the sanitizer instead of <amp-img> tags.

I can reproduce this on the latest Ghost version with both the default amp template and a custom one.

Hey @m1guelpf :wave: Could you please provide some clear steps to reproduce this issue?

@m1guelpf can you provide the URL of the post where you are seeing missing images? It’s difficult to diagnose the problem with no information :wink:

as I described in my thread:

  1. run docker run -d --name some-ghost -e server__port=3001 -e url=http://localhost:3001 -p 3001:3001 ghost
  2. go to backand
  3. create new post
  4. upload image in post
  5. publish
  6. go to post url and add /amp
  7. watch the image in the content disappear

See message by @schliflo above

I’m facing this on a local install. I’ll share a URL once it’s deployed

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