Import failed from WordPress

I just installed ghost via Digital Ocean droplet.
Trying to run an import from WP - file size 184Mb.
Getting this error: Import failed: “Request is larger than the maximum file size the server allows.

Looked up in ghost forum, seems there are two solutions:

Update: trying with first option. Increased upload file size limit doing this:

sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/*

Then restart NGINX with sudo systemctl restart nginx

But, then after uploading file got this error:
Import failed

Import failed due to an unknown error. Check the Web Inspector console and network tabs for errors.

Errors in Console:

/ghost/api/canary/admin/db/:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 504 ()
vendor.min-44e4086bfbe65e804cec4c63bb8c11c8.js:2154 Uncaught Error: Request was rejected due to server error
at e._createCorrectError (vendor.min-44e4086bfbe65e804cec4c63bb8c11c8.js:9268)
at e.handleResponse (vendor.min-44e4086bfbe65e804cec4c63bb8c11c8.js:9259)
at e.handleResponse (ghost.min-7c96de1cb04826b5cf0c3647fd2391ac.js:2431)
at e.n [as handleResponse] (vendor.min-44e4086bfbe65e804cec4c63bb8c11c8.js:2369)
at Object. (vendor.min-44e4086bfbe65e804cec4c63bb8c11c8.js:9248)
at l (vendor.min-44e4086bfbe65e804cec4c63bb8c11c8.js:622)
at Object.fireWith [as rejectWith] (vendor.min-44e4086bfbe65e804cec4c63bb8c11c8.js:623)
at A (vendor.min-44e4086bfbe65e804cec4c63bb8c11c8.js:905)
at XMLHttpRequest. (vendor.min-44e4086bfbe65e804cec4c63bb8c11c8.js:916)
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not load content for HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not load content for HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE