Hi, I recently started a blog. As I currently have almost no traffic I am self-hosting it. But my page speed score is very low at 64-66.
Previously I had another wordpress site. Where pagespeed has around 90.
But the thing is the Ghost blog doesn’t seem slow to me. Infact it feels faster. Than wordpress. But then again the page speed score is very low. Probably due to unused js. I migrated Google analytics to cloudflare zaraz. That helped it to go from around 50 to current 66.
Can anybody kindly help me out if I need optimisation.
I am using oracle VM ( 1 CPU core ampere A1 and 10 GB Ram. Ghost installed through cloudpanel)
And for cdn I use cloudflare. I keep cloudflare rocket loader off. It makes page speed worse.
Theme default casper with minor modifications I learned from ghost blogs and ghost forums.
Thanks in advance
All SEO blogs talk about speed and rankings (I’m not contradicting your statement, just being curious). Is there any research higher pagespeed score doesn’t affect rankings?
Yes, but not no where near enough of factor to worry about moving your page speed insights score up. You aren’t held back in any way from having 60 page speed insights score nor will your website go up in the serps from improving it.