I’m brand new to Ghost and also new to coding so wouldn’t really know where to look.
I’m curious as to if there’s a way that I can integrate Lyra with other themes? I want to use massively but also want the paid memberships etc that Lyra offers into that theme.
Looked through some theme documentations but can’t really get my head around it.
Any help would be brilliant. Thanks.
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sure you can customize to your liking.
Ghost Members Feature interacts with the frontend via helpers and data attributes.
Once you get the hang of they`re easy to work with.
See below documentation.
On the left hand side below under Theme Development you can see the different features you can implement directly in your theme.
(Ghost Members has to be enabled in the ghost admin > labs, in order to work)
If you need help, feel free to ask!
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Am I really stupid for just thinking that I can take the accounts/signup/signin.hbs from Lyra and just putting them into another theme? With updated Routes 
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You can absolutely do that! 
Just make sure to copy any necessary css with it 
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Not a clue what css I’m sending over with it. but I’ll certainly give it a go
I’ve been touched css before trying out ghost!
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You’ll want to grab any css that matches the “class” fields on the html.
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