Is there a way to send a partial email newsletter instead of the full post?

Hi there,

I have been looking around for a potential solution but haven’t been able to see any, so I would just like to ask to see if I have the ability to send a “Partial Email Newsletter”, rather than a “Full Email Newsletter” of my newly-minted post?

Given especially, my posts are very long, I would want to send a shorter excerpt of it to the reader and if they want to read more, they will be forwarded to the actual website link.

Hope there is a potential solution for this. Thank you!

I am not sure of a technical way to do that, but you could surely draft up a certain length of your post in the newsletter and at the end set up a link that takes the reader to the original post on your website. Maybe keeping the length of your newsletter short and power punched may lure your readers to the website!!!

I too have this same issue and hope there is another workaround as well.

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Hi @prajwalbkumar ,

Thank you for taking the time to reply me.

Since you have affirmed the issue, guess there is really no other way around it. I have stumbled upon this thread Email subscribers without publishing a post - #2 by DavidDarnes, but it is a partial and a little complex way to do what you are mentioning as well.

Hopeful there is some simple implementation in the near future as well!

Thanks for sharing man! Cheers!

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@sgrobert If you want to do something like this you have to do it manually, as I do. See this comment of mine for my step by step process:


Hi @Stromfeldt ,

Thanks for the add on the ideas!

At first I got a bit confused at the steps. But eventually, I got the idea you were (1) Setting up the entire post + Email Card, then after sending the email out, (2) Replace original post with full content.

That is quite useful as an idea, though would totally agree that a better workaround should be able to work out on this. However, really appreciate the sharing of your solution as well! :wink:

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Hi - Does anyone know if there is an update on whether you can schedule a partial newsletter post to publish and email to paid members that redirects them to my ghost site? I see this post is closed but related. Excerpt only newsletter and/or respect the public view content divider - #4 by ForestCityBuild I understand the manual solution and also how to promote a partial post to free users, but objective/feature is to schedule posts for paid members that lets them see the partial post in their email and the full post on my website. Any help appreciated @Cathy_Sarisky?

What I have experimented with is to write a separate post that I publish as email only, which contains the paid/member-only posts. It takes longer to do this, but that’s the only way I have found around this.

On a different but kinda connected note, I wish Ghost allowed dynamic embedded signup forms so that they would change depending on the type of user, like I mentioned here: Enhanced CTA and Signup Forms

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Thanks @ROY, Yes I realise that I could have 2 posts that could achieve this for my paid members, 1 partial email only, 1 full publish only. Each scheduled for a future date. It just seems onerous when I would think the objective is not to send the full paid post via email, as members could forward content. I believe this was a possible solution, but seems no implementation. Do-not-email cards

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I do have a cloud function that does this, but it’s currently customized for one specific client. Feel free to reach out if you’re interested. I’ve been planning to offer it at $5/month but just haven’t gotten it quite ready for general use yet. :slight_smile:

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Thanks @Cathy_Sarisky. I believe until it becomes a native function within ghost I will use a workaround for now, however I may reach out at some point later. I will publish the full paid article to web immediately (no scheduling), schedule an email only with an excerpt of paid post.

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