Is there any way we can modify the cookie name for "ghost-members-ssr"

Are you familiar with creating patch files? You could do something like this:

  1. Before you patch the file, create a .bak of the unmodified version. Let’s say now you have file.js.bak and file.js.
  2. Generate a patch file: diff -u file.js.bak file.js>my-changes.patch. Except, run this command at the root of the project.
  3. Create a small script which wraps ghost update and then applies your patch:
ghost update
patch -p1 <my-changes.patch

Now each time you upgrade Ghost, your patch will be re-applied.

You could try submitting a pull request that moves the name of this cookie into the config system with this value as the default. Just make sure every place the cookie name is referenced, the value is pulled from the config system instead. It strikes me as something that might be accepted, but I can’t speak for the project.

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