JSON configuration files upload?

To configure some web component I need to upload a few JSON configuration files somewhere (“globally”) on my self-hosted Ghost blog.
I’d then reference them in an embedded HTML/JS block where I want to embed the above mentioned web component.
How would I do that?
The only way to upload files I found so far is per post which is not what I want.

Thanks & happy holidays everyone! :christmas_tree:

Two options:

  1. add them to the theme’s zip file, in the assets directory. They’ll be served at /assets/filename.

  2. upload them in a post/page. You don’t have to publish it. They’ll get uploaded and have a url, regardless of what post you happen to be editing or whether you publish it. To figure out the url, preview the page and right click the file download link to get the url. Call from any other page/embedded js as needed.


Awesome, @Cathy_Sarisky! :star_struck: Will try that! Thanks so much for the blazingly fast reply! :speedboat::+1::+1:

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