New Ghost Install under Ubuntu 18.04

  • Ghost version: 3.18.0
  • Production
  • Firefox/Chrome


I have a new installation on a Ubuntu server. If I want to change something in the backend e.g. under design I get the following error:

Request not understood error, cannot edit setting. The Stripe Connect token could not be parsed.


[2020-06-02 18:32:40] ERROR "PUT /ghost/api/v3/admin/settings/" 400 39ms

NAME: BadRequestError
MESSAGE: The Stripe Connect token could not be parsed.

level: normal

BadRequestError: The Stripe Connect token could not be parsed.
    at new BadRequestError (/var/www/ghost/versions/3.18.0/node_modules/ghost-ignition/lib/errors/index.js:113:23)
    at Object.query (/var/www/ghost/versions/3.18.0/core/server/api/canary/settings.js:143:27)

I am seeing the same error on a fresh install when I try to edit any general setting

Hey @PrinzMonty & @sambeau! :wave:

We just fixed this in 3.18.1 so please update using Ghost-CLI :slightly_smiling_face:

