New Sign Up Form (Beta Editor)

The new sign up form show, looks and works great, but the generic form that already showed to logged out members still shows, it seems useless unless we want two forms that do the same thing on 1 page.

Is the only solution to build a custom template? If so doesn’t that defeat the purpose of this new card being an option as non techy users can’t use this feature with out two forms on one page/post. Love the sign up form card, but hate that the template doesn’t recognize this card being added and auto remove the generic form that shows.

Pages doesn’t auto add the generic card which makes sense, but post do. So this is only usable to add a 2nd form to the top of a post, which I like to do. Love the work you do, know it’s all a working progress.

It would be awesome if you all could do videos on very basic tweaks to themes that are minor, or provide custom post template library to resources.

Using taste theme ghost pro

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