Hi there! I used to use Jekyll but now I’m thinking of moving over to Ghost completely. I keep all of my blog articles and pages in a github repository as markdown files and then edit them using my text editor. This has been my workflow for quite a while now. I was wondering if it’s possible to use the markdown files at the Github Repository to update my blog articles or anything similar to that?
Don’t you want to use Ghost Editor for writing articles and pages?
Ah, don’t get me wrong. Ghost editor is great. But I prefer using an offline Markdown Editor (obsidian.md). Whenever I’m travelling I prefer writing in that and then it automatically commits and pushes to a repository whenever internet comes back on. It’s been really convenient when using it with Github and all. I was wondering if I could, perhaps use something like webhooks to update ghost blog articles?
To elaborate, In a particular repo, I push a .md file whose content can be accessed by ghost to create a new blog article?
Is it possible with API? Yes.
I consider that to be rebuilding the wheel though, the ghost editor is fantastic.
I have completely migrated from jekyll to Ghost. Wasn’t as bad as I thought. Though I am wondering if there is any way to convert my jekyll theme to one supported by ghost?