First off, I wanted to thank the team for creating Ghost - I love that it’s open source, user funded, and helping support the next generation of content creators. Awesome!
Currently I have a Jekyll blog hosted on GitHub pages, but I’m interested in switching to Ghost for the Members features.
I would prefer to write my posts locally in Markdown, track their history using git (via a repo on GitHub, and then publish them to hosted Ghost when ready.
Is this workflow possible? I’ve done a bit of searching and it does not appear to be trivial currently.
- As announced in the
The New Ghost Admin API: Build advanced publishing workflows
andGhost on the JAMstack – Future-proof Professional Publishing
blog posts, it appears like there is support for using Ghost’s backend and Gatsby as the frontend to generate a site (viagatsby-source-ghost
plugin and `gatsby-starter-ghost for example. Some additional details here: Using Gatsby + Ghost).- However, I want to write posts in Markdown offline like one would do with a static site generator such as Gatsby/Jekyll/Hugo, etc., and then publish to Ghost.
- Some blog posts (Introducing Post2Ghost and "Articles as Code" for a GitOps Workflow in Ghost) provide one-off scripts to upload Markdown content to the Ghost API.
- Others have written their own hacks (GitHub - mariusepi/Ghost2Git: Version control and editorial workflow management for multi-author blogs in Ghost, sort of) to allow collaborative editing/version control.
If I was able to simply write posts in Markdown, offline, in my IDE, and store those posts in git, I would get the following for free with no work on Ghost’s part:
- Multi-author writing
- Infinite, fine-grained history
- Use an existing writing flow I’m comfortable with
- Write offline
In short: being able to use a static site generator writing flow in Ghost would be great for me, and I imagine many others coming from that background. If there’s an easy way to do it, please let me know!