Hello everyone,
I am excited to announce my new Ghost theme Saima
This theme is designed with a minimal approach and for good reading experience. It brings focus of your user directly to the content you write. It has user select able dark and light mode. Let your user choose what they want.
Home page intro
In demo it looks like a personal site, but you can add any intro text and any type of image
I mostly into product development. I do not do many customization work. But there are many people on this forum or on freelance marketplaces, who do customization work.
The development version ( SCSS files and gulp file) also included in the theme. So you or your developer can work on it to customize the theme.
Hello, I like the the Saima theme, It’s actually what I was looking for 3 months ago when I purchase another theme (Nurui, from Fueko Team).
I’m currently using Nurui, but since the week when I made the setup in the theme, I have concerns, and I decided to CHANGE to Saima, but I DO WILL NEED A feeeew help with some customizations.
Although I still have some concerns with Nurui Theme, It’s undeniable the HUGE amount of help that Fueko Team gave me in order to customize for me.
If you could help me with just feeew tweaks I need, I will be happy to purchase the theme!
Well Nurui is indeed a very good theme and one of the best seller in marketplace.
Anyways, I am always happy to help. But could you tell me exactly what change you want before purchase. Because I can not promise you that I could make every customization you want to have.
Also, I think open forum is not the best place to have one to one conversation, specifically which conversation will not help others. Feel free to DM me.
Another thing, my next reply will be late because its 2:20 at night here.
Cool looking theme, I’m looking one for my personal blog - this might just fit the bill. I like the fact that it is really fast! There might be some need to customize the footer into two columns on mobile - hope you can help with that.