Believe me I am considering changing host.
The one I am with is supposed to be managed but they are not very good.
Unfortunately the Ghost Pro costs $29. My current service is $4.
I have been researching to see what other hosts offer Ghost 2 with private domain and have good technical support if anything goes wrong. I don’t mind paying slightly more.
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That is not a bad idea.
I may just go back to version zero, delete the theme and try going back to 1 and then 2 but I have a feeling that the same thing will happen again and I will get an error message even without a theme or with a default one so maybe I should just ask them to delete it completely and just do a clean install of Ghost 2 and then I manually add any posts back or just start from scratch.
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At: chrislesage
I’m not sure what the desktop app is? I didn’t know there was an application you could use.
I was just trying to log in to the admin area of ghost with the username and password the host provided me with when they upgraded to Ghost 2. For some reason I am not able to any more and I get the error message “Unknown error” when I try to logon to my own blog.
I was able to login right after they did the upgrade but now I am not able to but I’ve not made any changes.
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This is the most recent communication with my hosting provider:
Me to them:
We are going around in circles.
I have not made any changes to the site only you have.
I have not touched it.
I have only logged in once after you upgraded it to Ghost 2 on 27th March.
Please try restoring to 9th April.
We have tried this previously and it did not work.
It is not acceptable that I am unable to login the the Ghost blog with the details that you provided me with after you upgraded it.
The upgrade was done on 27th March.
You gave me the username and password when you did the upgrades.
I have not changed anything so I do not understand how I can now no longer login with the same details that you provided me with?
Their reply:
Thank you for the update.
Please note that I have reviewed the ticket and found that during the upgrade from version 1 to 2 there were errors in the theme as it was not compatible with the current version.
Note that this might be related to the issue you are currently experiencing as once we have installed the previous Ghost version the website was working correctly.
Furthermore, note that as part of our procedures we do create a manual backup of your application before we attempt to upgrade is as such there is a backup before the upgrade performed on 27th of March that we can restore and use the previous version of the Ghost application.
Please note that if you like to proceed with the restoration of the website and everything is successful we will recommend that the next upgrade attempt it will be done by a Certified Web Developer as the procedure of upgrading might damage the website as it currently did and a developer will be able to review and assist you with the current issue.
If you like to use Ghost version 2 I will recommend currently to contact a Certified Web Developer to assist you and use the current version of the website.
Please update us via this ticket how we should proceed.
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It seems like they are offering to restore me to Version 1.