Starter Subscription | HELP required

Hello there,

I am new to GHOST CMS and planing to use this CMS for my personal website. I have some developer experience, so I would appreciate if someone can clarify these questions for me. If I subscribe for “Starter” package:

  1. Can I build my own theme? Or am I restricted to build my own theme with this subscription plan?
  2. “500 Members” what does it mean? Is this allowed visitors count per month? What happens if I go over this amount of visitors?
  3. Localization / Multi language feature - how many languages I can use to build my website? Am I restricted to any limit?
  4. What about domain and SSL certificate with GHOST Pro (starter) plan, can I buy domain and ssl via ghost or I need to buy it separately?

I would appreciate if someone who is more experienced with GHOST cms, would help me with this matter.


Hey, welcome to Ghost!

To answer your questions:

  1. On the starter plan for Ghost(Pro) you can not upload third-party themes (such as your own). You have full access to all official Ghost themes, which you can find here: Ghost Themes - The Marketplace

  2. The number of visitors to your site is not restricted. “Members” are people who sign up for your membership site – for example, to read exclusive content or reeive newsletters. More on that here: Memberships – Ghost Developer Docs

  3. You can find a guide to localisation, translation, and multi-lingual setups here: A guide to translation and internationalization in Ghost.

  4. You would buy your own domain. Ghost(Pro) will tell you how to connect it to Ghost. The SSL certificate is on Ghost’s site then and is free :)

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