Tag management ghost blog

I have the latest Ghost Blog on the VV server from OVH. I am in love with this CMS but I am not a person who knows programming.

I need to do one thing.
Namely, it comes to categories and tags. In the DESIGN-NAVIGATION menu: //mysite.pl/tag/ I have it set. I changed my name from TAG to CATEGORY

After pressing CATEGORY on the page I have a 404 error page not found. I would like to see all CATEGORY (tag) displayed after pressing.

The link to the author of the publication does not work the same way.

Will you explain to me how to do it so simply and specifically that I don’t break anything?

Namely, it comes to categories and tags. In the DESIGN-NAVIGATION menu: //mysite.pl/tag/ I have it set. I changed my name from TAG to CATEGORY

Changing things in design/navigation only changes the displayed link, and as category pages don’t exist, it’s correct that this would 404.

If you want to change all of the tags to live at /category/[tag-name] which I think I understand i what you are asking, then you would need to configure the taxonomies differently in your routes.yaml file:


The point is that I click on TAG (menu) and show all tags on one page. After pressing TAG it shows posts to that TAG.
How can you do it step by step :slight_smile:


The point is that after clicking the TAG link in the Menu, the tag categories are displayed and after pressing the given category with the tag it shows posts. Nobody will help me?

Unless I’m misunderstanding your issue, it seems like Hannah’s suggestion to use Taxonomies covers your use case. Have you tried it? What were your results?

Nie próbowałem bo nie wiem co mam tam wpisać. Znalazłem ten plik na serwerze VPS tylko nie wiem co mam tam dopisać aby wyświetlało wszystkie tagi i potem robiło to automatycznie.