Translate signup pop up page


How can I translate the signup pop up page?

I already managed to translate some texts using {{t}} helper.

I searched for “Already a member?” and only found it in a javascript files that aren’t related to theme.

Thanks in advance


I’m also looking for a way to do this. Not finding the string in my local developer installation of Ghost.

It’s in Portal. Ghost/ghost/portal at main · TryGhost/Ghost · GitHub

You could build a translated copy. It’s not too bad to get the portal code, edit, build, and host, but it does mean that you’ll need to merge improvements in Portal into your edited version.

There’s work ongoing to translate Portal, but I don’t think Portal currently works with {{t}} strings, based on this post: Hacktoberfest Project: i18n for Portal, Member emails, comments-ui & SodoSearch

Another option is to code your own member functionality, rather than using the Portal screens. See here:


Great, thanks for the reponse Cathy. Looks like I got my work cut out for me if I want a full experience in my native langage. Fingers crossed for a translatable element in the future.

I also translated with assistant, but I can’t remember the name