Issue Summary
- It’s impossible to change a Staff member’s role settings or any other options within their profile from an iPhone.
- I expect to be able to scroll down to the bottom so I can reach the Save/Close buttons, but scrolling only gets you down as far as the “Change Password” button.
Steps to Reproduce
- Log into /ghost and select the More button
- Scroll down to the Staff section
- Select a user’s account from any one of the tabs (Administrators, Editors, Authors, Contributors, Viewers)
- Make changes to any settings within a Staff member’s profile
- Attempt to scroll to the bottom and tap Save (or Close)
- Good luck!
In comparison, it is possible to make these changes on an Android phone (Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra running Android 14). The Save/Close buttons are just barely reachable. It’s not ideal - but it’s good enough to get the job done.
Setup information
Ghost Version
Version: 5.105.0
Node.js Version
If self-hosting - share which version of Node.js you’re using.
How did you install Ghost?
Ubuntu Linux 24.04 LTS with Ngnix 1.24.0
Installed using the following documentation:
Provide details of your host & operating system
Include further details about your hosting and OS.
Database type
MySQL 8.0.40
Browser & OS version
iOS 18.2 - included version of Safari
Android 14 with Chrome - Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra (used for comparison)
Relevant log / error output
No logs for this bug - I’ve included screenshots instead.