Unable to Save Changes to Staff Profiles from iOS/Android

Issue Summary

  • It’s impossible to change a Staff member’s role settings or any other options within their profile from an iPhone.
  • I expect to be able to scroll down to the bottom so I can reach the Save/Close buttons, but scrolling only gets you down as far as the “Change Password” button.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Log into /ghost and select the More button
  2. Scroll down to the Staff section
  3. Select a user’s account from any one of the tabs (Administrators, Editors, Authors, Contributors, Viewers)
  4. Make changes to any settings within a Staff member’s profile
  5. Attempt to scroll to the bottom and tap Save (or Close)
  6. Good luck!

In comparison, it is possible to make these changes on an Android phone (Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra running Android 14). The Save/Close buttons are just barely reachable. It’s not ideal - but it’s good enough to get the job done.

Setup information

Ghost Version
Version: 5.105.0

Node.js Version
If self-hosting - share which version of Node.js you’re using.

How did you install Ghost?
Ubuntu Linux 24.04 LTS with Ngnix 1.24.0
Installed using the following documentation:

Provide details of your host & operating system
Include further details about your hosting and OS.

Database type
MySQL 8.0.40

Browser & OS version
iOS 18.2 - included version of Safari
Android 14 with Chrome - Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra (used for comparison)

Relevant log / error output
No logs for this bug - I’ve included screenshots instead.

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Hey, welcome to the forum!

This has already been fixed in 5.106.1 :tada:


Awesome! I just upgraded both of my sites and confirmed they are indeed working. I like the changes to bring up the Save/Close buttons in a separate frame. That works MUCH better!

Thanks so much!

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