Validation error, cannot edit setting. ValidationError: Validation (isTimezone) failed for timezone

Set the timezone to GMT +2 Helsinki… and hit Save
Getting the error: Validation error, cannot edit setting. ValidationError: Validation (isTimezone) failed for timezone

Issue Summary

  • Can’t change TZ
  • What did you expect to happen? That the window would have closed as normally on the other stuff.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. This is the first step…
  2. This is the second step, etc.

Setup information

Ghost Version 5.59.2

Node.js Version
If self-hosting - share which version of Node.js you’re using.

How did you install Ghost?
Using the Docker Hub outlined method using the docker-compose.yml.

Provide details of your host & operating system
Proxmox 8, VM Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, Docker version 23.0.3.

Database type

Browser & OS version
Firefox 116

Relevant log / error output
Copy and paste any relevant log output. Use backticks to format this into code.

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It was because the TZ was already set to that TZ.

I consider this closed

Same bug here, I cannot set the timezone to GMT +2 Helsinki. Every other timezone seems to work. So I don’t think this should be closed yet.

Using Ghost version 5.69.0.

Thanks for the note, we’re tracking this internally and we’ll update you once we have more :slightly_smiling_face:

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