Wave theme audio

I am hoping there are folks out there using the “Wave” theme for podcasting. I can find no instructions for the theme and have no idea how to embed audio files and have them come out like the ghosties show in the demo here: Wave … which is in the tease, a nice box with play arrow in center and in the post itself as a nice strip across the top.

Does anyone know how to do this? Does anyone know what app they integrated to house the audio?

I am new to Ghost and, honestly, have made many sites in Drupal but I am here so I don’t have to mess around. I am creating a serialized audio/text novel and thought this would be a good platform, but I am not sure.

I would so like some help. Have any of you solved the dilemma of incorporating sound into your post with the Wave theme? How did you do it?

Thanks in advance.

Geoffrey, I am also looking for the same, check the link GitHub - TryGhost/Wave: A podcast theme for Ghost, in the description. I tried, the player button came to the post but it dint play the audio file. waiting for the reply from support here

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Hi, Ghost support has been great. They advised me (and it works) to insert the direct url to the audio file into Facebook Card description. To get to the FB card, click the little box in upper right of the post editing form to reveal right hand column info and click Facebook Card. Make sure the url you are putting into Facebook Card description is the exact url to the file itself not to a url created by an app you are using. Fill out the other FB info, then add a feature photo (optional) to the post and save (or update).

Also, go back to dashboard and click ‘view site’ to then see how it appears and to make sure it works.

The tricky part is getting the actual url of the audio FILE. I ended up testing with an audio file on my other site (Squarespace) and found the direct file url via by clicking Page Source and searching for .mp3 … This is admittedly clunky and Ghost Support and @John advise me that changes (improvements) on audio file handling are in the works. Hope this helps.


Thank you for the insight there Geoffrey, seems like hosting local files / uploading files is a bit broken (running off of a local instance and uploading files to the blog post).

The preview while making the post:

Actual Site: