Writing is about rewriting

It is a well known fact that writing is about rewriting. You start with a first draft and it sucks. You leave it alone for a while. Take a shower and make lunch. When you come back to it after a while you breath a new life into what you previously wrote.

I personally write at least 9 to 10 drafts or more before publishing anything on my blog. Even after publishing I keep going back to my posts and editing them. Writing is a never ending process and that is the best part about it.

The reason for me writing this is because I would like to know how many times I edited a post! “How many drafts is this piece of work took to become what it is.” I want to know this. If the audience is smart enough I think they would like to know this too.

TL;DR I think we need a version history in Ghost blog.

I looked at the CMS SQL database and I found the number of drafts can be easily identified if we start keeping a count of how many times a post was republished. Then I would use that number as an indicator of which draft I am at.

This number can be used in the theme but I won’t worry about that for now.

Do you like this idea? Is it possible to do it? I can create a pull request unless someone with experience want to do it and save lots of time.


There’s already an active discussion on this idea over here:

Please make sure to use the search feature on the forum before posting :slight_smile: