Hi, my Zapier skills are very limited and I’m only on the free plan.
I do use a super helpful Zap (thanks to a prior forum tip) to add one-time / tip-jar payments TO Ghost as members.
Now I’m wondering if there’s a way to add a Gmail label (e.g. Members) to any Ghost member who emails me. Ideally - I could limit this to paying members. But I’m open to any members really. Mainly so I can make sure to prioritize responses to them.
My current approach is setting up a Gmail filter manually for each member I email with. But that is rather time-consuming. I’m thinking this likely is not possible but it also doesn’t seem like the craziest idea.
And use a on new member sign up trigger to pass the email to the Add Contact to Group Zap:
Another Way
Alternatively, and more of a Gmail answer than Zapier, you could append a +members to the email address you give members and then filter by that.
So the email you would give members, or have a form use, etc., would become myemail+members@gmail.com or myemail+members@domainusinggmail.com, etc.
Then you could filter/label incoming email on the to field.
Thanks - adding +member wouldn’t work because they will all be emailing me from their own email addresses. I’m not sure how Email by Zapier works but I will have a look… I wonder if I could set something up with like - a new Ghost member → Google Contacts? Not sure. Either way it feels more complicated than the free plan (which limits steps). I appreciate the ideas.