Building out more content types

Hi there,

I’m with the Seattle PBS station, and we’re building out a digital publishing platform for ourselves, and to serve other stations.

We have the TV side nailed (a video CMS, that powers station streaming apps for OTT, mobile and web), and will launch Roku apps in April. Now we’re considering a platform for our website, which would feature news, events, podcasts, and pages – again, for our own station as well as for partner stations around the country.

I’m intrigued by Ghost, which nicely integrates web publishing, email and membership tools. But I think we’d need to do a fair amount of building upon the platform to suit our needs: nonprofit membership, donations not subscription fees, and (probably) additional content types beyond Posts and Pages.

Are there any publishers that have tried something similar?

Is Ghost suitable to scale to a multi-tenant use-case? (We’d like to offer stations a PBS-flavored version of Ghost for web, in a similar fashion to Ghost Pro.)

I’m coming from Drupal (cms), where we would build our own functionality as needed, and donate back to the community. We’d be interested in doing something similar with Ghost.
