Can't upload an icon

I tried to upload the very first icon but I get an error. I’m sure the dimensions, size and format are OK.

Look that Ghost respond a 422 http status.

any ideas?
Regards. Rafa.

Hey @rdiezv , what’s the content of the response body for the 422 response?


{errors: [{message: "Validation error, cannot upload image.",…}]}
errors: [{message: "Validation error, cannot upload image.",…}]
0: {message: "Validation error, cannot upload image.",…}
code: null
context: "Icon must be a square .ico or .png file between 60px – 1,000px, under 100kb."
details: null
help: null
id: "8f50ec90-9890-11eb-916e-eddb63da6885"
message: "Validation error, cannot upload image."
property: null
type: "ValidationError"

Can you share the icon file you are trying to upload? I’m not sure how to help here as the error message is quite clear about something wrong either with the format or the size of the icon.

It’s a standard PNG. I tried with & without transparent background and different dimensions.

this is it:

@rdiezv the linked up icon above is not square :wink: This is exactly what the error message is complaining about:

Icon must be a square