Good afternoon team,
I am testing different qualities of the working system with Ghost. Above all I am focused on achieving total optimization, using both HTML5, CSS3 (SASS), and Handlebars, chasing 100% purity in the code.
In the same way, I am also exploring the different options, both in the composition of the pages, as well as in the possibility of personalization of the content (by an end customer), through the editor itself.
A. Bug in the code
This study has led me to determine that when I work with the editor, adding different elements, certain comments regarding inclusion are generated, which can be viewed from the developer’s view, through: inspect element.
<!--kg-card-begin: html—>
<!--kg-card-end: html—>
<!--kg-card-begin: markdown—>
<!--kg-card-end: markdown—>
B. Bug inserting elements
At the same time, I have found a small bug, which generates several random “” in the texts, so far I have detected 2 variables:
- Adding h1, h2, h3 + in a text.
Added on a page with markdown
## Text H1, H2 <span>🤔</span>
Result code
- Including content with markdown, which generates an id = “customized according to the content” and adding, in turn, “” to the text.
As you can see in the previous photo, an id = “” is automatically generated for each markdown, without coherence and without real value. Similarly, if you include any content (paragraph type) in the normal editor, it also includes the quotes “”.
Possibly at first glance, do not report any type of problem, but improving these two aspects, we would gain in loading speed, SEO optimization and usability, since we could establish visual content in the editor itself, so that a less expert user could edit That content without problem.
I feel immensely fortunate to have had the opportunity to meet you, and you have become my preferred option, as far as current and future web design is concerned.
That is why, I beg you to accept my requests, with the aim of taking Ghost, to the next level.
Thank you to everyone who forms this great family.
A hug.