Custom google Search Description For home.hbs


I have a custom homepage on my site and I’m wanting to set up a custom description for it in Google Search. How can I go about adding it to my home.hbs?

There doesn’t seem to be a way to do it directly through ghost so any help would be appreciated.

It also seems like Google isn’t detecting the meta description tag, even though it is in the source file. It just auto-generates a description based on page content.

My website:

Hey @Izak_Jackson! Unfortunately, there’s no easy way to customize meta title/description for the homepage in the current version of Ghost.

This is one of the problems we actively plan to tackle in the nearest future, so tune in to our release notes too keep track of the progress. Will try to come back to this thread once there’s more information on this feature.

If it’s absolutely critical for you to have a custom SEO description you can modify default.hbs template in your theme. You’d substitute this section:

{{!-- This tag outputs SEO meta+structured data and other important settings --}}

With whatever is being outputted there dynamically, with static HTML like:

<meta name="description" content="Your curent title">
<meta property="og:description" content="Custom description for SEO">

WARNING, this is a hack and you’d have to keep these fields updated if any of the fields change (codeinjection, icon etc.), basically everything that is currently being output by {{ghost_head}} helper.

Thanks for the response. I’ll hold off for now as I still need my other pages/blog to be dynamically updated. Fingers crossed this update comes soon!