Hello, I just updated my Ghost blog from 5.23 to 5.80.
After the update, I tried to restart Ghost, but it fails with this message:
Ghost instance is not running! Starting...
✖ Starting Ghost
A GhostError occurred.
Message: Ghost was able to start, but errored during boot with: insert into `collections_posts` (`collection_id`, `id`, `post_id`, `sort_order`) select '65f02f0dafb7eeb96c4c90a6' as `collection_id`, '65f02f0dafb7eeb96c4c90a8' as `id`, '637a812a81cfb759fad27265' as `post_id`, 0 as `sort_order` union all select '65f02f0dafb7eeb96c4c90a6' as `collection_id`,
... (many more rows) ...
, '65314decb0c970c6a6eca545' as `post_id`, 0 as `sort_order` - SQLITE_ERROR: too many terms in compound SELECT
Context: [object Object]
Help: Error occurred while executing the following migration: 2023-07-10-05-16-55-add-built-in-collection-posts.js
Debug Information:
OS: Debian GNU/Linux, v11
Node Version: v18.19.1
Ghost Version: 5.80.2
Ghost-CLI Version: 1.25.3
Environment: development
Command: 'ghost restart'
Apparently it is possible that Inserting more than 500 items at once causes this error (SQLITE_ERROR: too many terms in compound SELECT.).
But the thing is… I have thousands of articles and I don’t want to delete them.
Can you help me?
Issue Summary
- Explain roughly what’s wrong
Ghost is not starting - What did you expect to happen?
Well, you know, Ghost starting/running?
Steps to Reproduce
- Start with an install of v5.23 or below 5.80
- Apparently the number of posts can be a cause, so get more than 500 posts.
- Run ghost update and ghost restart
Setup information
OS: Debian GNU/Linux, v11
Node Version: v18.19.1
Ghost Version: 5.80.2
Ghost-CLI Version: 1.25.3
Environment: development
Command: 'ghost restart'
How did you install Ghost? Command line
Provide some details about your install of Ghost if you are self-hosting.
Provide details of your host & operating system
Include further details about your hosting and OS.
Database type
MySQL 5.7 / MySQL 8 / SQLite 3 / Other
mysql Ver 8.0.27 for Linux on x86_64 (MySQL Community Server - GPL)
Browser & OS version
Include if reporting frontend bugs.
Browser is Chrome, but it is irrelevant here.
Relevant log / error output
(See above)