Ghost start throws error

ghost start returns the following error:

running sudo command: systemctl is-active ghost_localhost
A ProcessError occurred.

Message: Command failed: /bin/sh -c sudo -S -p ‘#node-sudo-passwd#’ systemctl is-active ghost_localhost


Exit code: 3


I get this error

Failed to issue method call: Unit ghost_localhost.service failed to load: No such file or directory. See system logs and 'systemctl status ghost_localhost.service' for details.

on calling

sudo systemctl start ghost_localhost

does anybody knows how to resolve this?

Thanks in advance.

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Hey @Kate
I tried this but I get this error

sudo systemctl status ghost_localhost
Loaded: error (Reason: No such file or directory)
Active: inactive (dead)

sudo systemctl start ghost_localhost

still gives

Failed to issue method call: Unit ghost_localhost.service failed to load: No such file or directory. See system logs and ‘systemctl status ghost_localhost.service’ for details.

What is the output of ls -la system/files?

You can try running systemctl daemon-reload, maybe the symlinks are broken.

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