I would like to create a travel blog, and I would like to have a division by continents, states and cities.
I’m trying to understand how to create categories with sub-categories.
In your opinion, which is the best way to obtain this result?
Do I have to create a tag for each continent, pages for each state and posts for each city? Then to connect together this categories do I have to create collections in the route.yaml?
Please let me know if I’m to the right way of thought.
Hi Hannah, thanks for your interest,
I’d like to have the images of the continents on the home page, when you click on one of them a page will open containing only the states belonging to that continent, in turn when you click on a state you will see the cities connected to the state and last when click on a city I would like to see the articles / posts related to that city.
I don’t know how to handle all these subdivisions (continen->states->city->articles/posts).
Which is the best way to organize all that?