I just spent several days translating my entire Ghost instance (theme, portal.js, transactional mails, newsletter, maintenance page, 404 page, unsubscribe page… you name it). It took a long time to find the right files, but it allowed me to better understand how Ghost works.
As I speak to you, I have literally translated everything except for two words. These two words are the date intervals “year” and “month” which are used to indicate how soon you will need to renew your subscription in Portal. Every time I try to translate these words, Portal stops working.
I have come to the conclusion that these words are linked to another file (other than portal.js), but I can’t find it. So I come to you as a last resort. Does anyone know how to translate the words “year” and “month” in Portal? If no one can help me, it’s not a big deal. It’s just two words, I can live with that.
Thank you.