Hello Simon (I couldn’t tag Simon. Can you tag him in the comments?)
Thank you very much for the Fizzy theme, it’s beautiful.
menu and views are distorted and their dimensions are out of shape. How can I fix this?
Hello Simon (I couldn’t tag Simon. Can you tag him in the comments?)
Thank you very much for the Fizzy theme, it’s beautiful.
menu and views are distorted and their dimensions are out of shape. How can I fix this?
I don’t see an error in the image you posted. I’m also not sure what Simon’s handle is here, but here’s contact info from the Github repo - that’s probably the right place to start. huangyuzhang (Simon) · GitHub
Thank you for the answer. The image I attached is very different from fizzy’s demo. This is the problem :)
I have the same problem. From which file do we edit the menus?
I want to correct the dimensions of the upper parts too. Does anyone know which file?
The top navigation is probably from partials/navigation.hbs. You’d create your specific menu items by going to /ghost > Settings (gear icon) > navigation.
Hang on – looks like some of the links are hard-coded in partials/header.hbs. Check there, too.
Thanks for updating the image to show the problem. I wonder if this theme has two header layout options? It has some logic in partials/header.hbs.
I’m looking into it, but we’re not sure, which one should we change?
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It looks like Simon fixed the Fizzy problems described here.
He also updated Fizzy for Ghost Version 5.