Installing Lyra Theme - Not Showing Subscription Options

I’m having difficulty getting the Lyra theme to work so that it shows the membership templates. Currently, I get the standard subscription page and not the tiered options that Membership features provide. I’m sort of stumped on what else I should be doing to get this working…

I have done the following…

  1. Download the theme as a .zip file and head to the design settings menu in your site’s admin to upload it as your active theme.
  2. Within the download is a routes.yaml file. Upload this single file using Routes on the Labs page.
  3. Restart ghost ghost restart
  4. Updated the Membership settings so that it looks like the following…

Hi @theodorechu - thanks for your reply.

Yes I did check this and it has been uploaded correctly. Do you have any other ideas?

@nearkingdom have you gone through the signup process? Lyra only shows plan selection once you’re a member.

Found that quite strange, what if you wanted to get someone to sign up as a member (i.e. paying subscriber) before them becoming a subscriber?