Is the Public Preview feature working correctly?

I was under the impression that I could place the the preview feature anywhere in the post, and when published, any content below the inserted preview line would not be visible to free members. This would give the free person a little “teaser” of content with the hope they would be interested enough to upgrade.

But when I published, the entire article is blocked and the message is shown that this article is for paid members only. What’s the point then of being able to insert this anywhere in the content while using the Editor?

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You need to mark it for members (not free), then where you mark will be free and ask for signup for the rest.

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What theme are you using? Its possible that’s a theme error.

I know. I have the post access setting on “paid members only”. So in theory, a free or logged out person should see part of the post, and the rest of it hidden because they are not an upgraded silver or gold member.

@CathyS, I’m using Zento version 1.2.1

If you switch over to source or Casper for a moment, is the behavior still there?

It works great in Casper, as it lets me show as much of the article that I want to reveal prior to showing the “must upgrade” message. I guess I need to log a bug with the theme developer.

Here is how it looks with my Zento theme:

Exactly. This is a theme bug.