Looking for ghost theme with folder navigation

Hi, I am looking for a theme which includes a side navigation bar which organizes all posts into a folder structure. Something similar to the image linked below.

Each post would have 3 tags:

  • Year created (2017, 2018 etc)
  • Work type (professional, personal)
  • Field (Code, Model, Photography)

Ideally, the posts would be organized into folders by a specific set of tags tag, For example, 2016,2017,2018 etc. And there would also be a way for the visitor to click “sort by Work type/Field”
This would re-generate the folder structure grouping the posts by those tags

Does anyone know if there is a similar solution to this?

Hey @Tokusei :wave:
Maybe there’s something in our Marketplace that can meet these requirements?

If not the Ghost community might be able to step in and come up with something more custom :blush:

hi, Thanks for the reply. I checked the marketplace but couldnt really find any template which matched, if you know of one, please let me know

You could look at Ghost themes designed for Documentation/Knowledge Base sites, which tend to have structured side menus. Here is one example with expanding menus:

I maintain a list of resources for finding Ghost Themes that I use for theme hunting:
