Member Sign Up Issue

I am testing Membership on my site and I am experiencing a strange issue:

  • Mailgun is configured correctly (both the test email and subscription magic link email are received by users)
  • When a user clicks on the magic link, they are redirected back to the website where it says sign-up was successful
  • The user is not added to the members table
  • Users can be manually added via the admin console.

  • What’s your URL?
  • What version of Ghost are you using?
Ghost-CLI version: 1.13.1
Ghost version: 3.13.1
  • What configuration? Digital Ocean/Nginx/Cloudflare
  • What browser? Safari/Chrome/Edge
  • What errors or information do you see in the console? The only error from ghost log is this warning:
WARN Cookie ghost-members-ssr not found
  • What steps could someone else take to reproduce the issue you’re having? Try to sign-up.

There are no errors in the browser console.

I tried signing up to your site for free and haven’t received an email.

Have you set the “Allow free member signup” option?’"


Scrap that! just took a while to come through!

But it looks like the Set-Cookie header isn’t coming back - I would guess that whichever webserver/proxy/cdn you are using is stripping them out!

That seems to be the issue but I lost patience trying to find where the issue was and transferred to Ghost(Pro)!

I’m getting this issue in my logs for my Ghost (self-hosted) blog too. Do you have any recommendations on how to resolve this?

I’m using Cloudflare, but not sure what I would need to do in order to fix this.

FYI - my blog is It’s running on a Raspberry Pi via Docker and has Let’s Encrypt with NGINX enabled. Cloudflare is added for CDN protection.

Alright then, seems like nobody at Ghost is fussed about this then… @egg - any suggestions?

What is the issue you’re having? Are members not able to signup/signin to your site?

I get the above issue in my log. It looks like members can subscribe, but what is the warning for?

That’s just a warning for requests that don’t include a cookie - it’s nothing to worry about unless you’re having issues with members being able to signin/signup :relaxed:

We’re discussing an issue about sending emails here:

While this might not be on-topic, it’s kind of connected to it. But no one from Ghost has joined the discussion to tell us what we’re doing wrong or solve the problem. That’s why I’m replying here.

We realise you’re all busy, but we’d be very grateful if you looked into it. Thanks!