Minor upgrade issue - "Port '2368' is in use"

The past two times I’ve upgraded Ghost (2.13.1 and 2.14.3) I’ve gotten the error below. Ghost is not running when I check, and simply running ‘ghost start’ after works as expected. Looks like the Ghost process is just not shutting down fast enough for the speedy upgrade process? Maybe a retry or two could be added?


% ghost upgrade
_ Checking system Node.js version
_ Checking current folder permissions
_ Checking memory availability
_ Checking for available migrations
_ Checking for latest Ghost version
_ Downloading and updating Ghost to v2.14.3
_ Stopping Ghost
_ Linking latest Ghost and recording versions
_ Restarting Ghost_ Checking current folder permissions
_ Validating config
_ Restarting Ghost
_ Removing old Ghost versions
One or more errors occurred.

  1. Validating config

Error detected in the production configuration.

Message: Port ‘2368’ is in use.
Configuration Key(s): server.port
Current Value(s): 2368

Help: Run ghost config <key> <new value> for each key to fix the issue.

Debug Information:
OS: freebsd, v11.2-RELEASE-p8
Node Version: v8.15.0
Ghost-CLI Version: 1.9.9
Environment: production
Command: ‘ghost upgrade’

Try running ghost doctor to check your system for known issues.

You can always refer to Ghost-CLI - A fully loaded tool for installation and configuration for troubleshooting.

For the 2.15.0 upgrade I tried stopping Ghost before running the update, and it worked as expected, including Ghost running properly after the upgrade finished.

% ghost stop
_ Stopping Ghost
% ghost upgrade
_ Checking system Node.js version
_ Checking current folder permissions
_ Checking memory availability
_ Checking for available migrations
_ Checking for latest Ghost version
_ Downloading and updating Ghost to v2.15.0
_ Linking latest Ghost and recording versions
_ Checking current folder permissions
_ Validating config
_ Restarting Ghost
_ Removing old Ghost versions

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