Can't Access Ghost Admin Page After Update


Ghost-CLI version: 1.17.4
Ghost version: 3.42.6 (at /var/lib/ghost)

Installed within a docker running nginx

Node Version

Ubuntu 18.04

Not really sure what happened, I’ve been neglecting by blog but logged in to do some updates and updated to the latest version of 3.X. I had to also update node. Site was still running so didn’t think anything of it, until I tried to access /ghost and it’s nowhere to be found.

404 Cannot find module ‘…/…/…/…/frontend/helpers/asset’ Require stack: - /var/lib/ghost/versions/3.41.3/core/server/web/shared/middlewares/error-handler.js - /var/lib/ghost/versions/3.41.3/core/server/web/api/app.js - /var/lib/ghost/versions/3.41.3/core/server/web/api/index.js - /var/lib/ghost/versions/3.41.3/core/server/web/parent/app.js - /var/lib/ghost/versions/3.41.3/core/server/index.js - /var/lib/ghost/versions/3.41.3/core/index.js - /var/lib/ghost/versions/3.41.3/index.js

Seeing quite a few issues with ghost doctor, too.

One or more errors occurred.

  1. Validating config

Error detected in the production configuration.

Message: Port ‘2368’ is in use.
Configuration Key(s): server.port
Current Value(s): 2368

Help: Run ghost config <key> <new value> for each key to fix the issue.

  1. SystemError

Message: Unable to load or parse systemd unit file

  1. SystemError

Message: Unable to determine node version in use by systemd
Help: Ensure ‘ExecStart’ exists in /lib/systemd/system/ghost_undefined.service and uses a valid Node version

Debug Information:
OS: Debian GNU/Linux, v10
Node Version: v14.18.1
Ghost Version: 3.42.6
Ghost-CLI Version: 1.17.4
Environment: production
Command: ‘ghost doctor’

I’m really not very good with any of this sort of thing, so appreciate any help. I have all my content backed up but can’t get in to export a json. I have no member functionality so hopefully I haven’t lost all the blog posts since they’ll hopefully be in the content backup folder.



Reverted my Linode box to a previous backup and have access again. However I’m still getting strange behaviour, and it’s really confusing me. Ghost must be running as my blog is working, I can access the admin page, make updates etc.

But when I try to run any commands regarding ghost, it says there are no installed instances found. How the hell have I managed this! It keeps saying port 2368 is in use, which yeah, it probably is, as I’m definitely running a ghost instance SOMEWHERE. Anyone got any ideas?

node@75d1ecb29b92:/var/lib/ghost$ ghost stop
Process manager 'systemd' will not run on this system, defaulting to 'local'

Ghost is already stopped! For more information, run: 

    ghost ls

node@75d1ecb29b92:/var/lib/ghost$ ghost ls
No installed ghost instances found
node@75d1ecb29b92:/var/lib/ghost$ ghost start
Process manager 'systemd' will not run on this system, defaulting to 'local'
✔ Ensuring user is not logged in as ghost user
✔ Checking if logged in user is directory owner
✔ Checking current folder permissions
✖ Validating config
✔ Checking folder permissions
✔ Checking file permissions
✔ Checking memory availability
✔ Checking binary dependencies
One or more errors occurred.

1) Validating config

Error detected in the production configuration.

Message: Port '2368' is in use.
Configuration Key(s): server.port
Current Value(s): 2368

Help: Run `ghost config <key> <new value>` for each key to fix the issue.

Debug Information:
    OS: Debian GNU/Linux, v10
    Node Version: v12.19.1
    Ghost Version: 3.41.3
    Ghost-CLI Version: 1.15.3
    Environment: production

Haha, fixed… didn’t realise I should be updating through docker… looking back I was wondering why I didn’t remember the cli, because I never used!! :laughing:

Can be closed.

i have the same problem but i have not installed ghost via docker, any help what can i do? i can’t access admin of my ghost blog